Monday, July 15, 2013

Writing for a cause: Medieval Mystery by Zachary Collins

I came across this story on the weekend: an 11-year-old boy in Guelph, Ont., is distributing one of his self-published books (created with the aid of his art teacher) and donating all his earnings to charity, in this case, Free the Children.

Here's the brief story that appeared in the Guelph Mercury. You'll notice that the story includes links to Zachary's Facebook page with more information about where to find the book. (Sorry - if you don't live in the Guelph area, you might be out of luck. As far as I can tell, Medieval Mystery isn't available online).

What a terrific feel-good story! Inspired by the work of this Canadian-based juggernaut charity run by the Keilburger brothers (another couple of creative kids, by the way), this creative kid turns his school project into a force for good.

Let's not forget the encouragement and assistance he received from his art teacher and probably his parents as well. A team effort, for sure. Well done, Zachary!

Screen capture from the article

1 comment:

  1. We may use that would be a reasonable issue for the next few generations of students. Our educational system is generally influenced by all fields of social life as well as politics and science. But luckily high-technologies are getting more sophisticated.
